Aeoliah's Book

Chapter 9..Healing Emotional Self-Abuse P.46-49


The key that opens the door to our desired transformation is through our conscious commitment to take responsibility for all our perceptions and life experiences. The real-ization that we have chosen these experiences for our own evolution rather than as a form of punishment, ac-celerates the process of self transformation and healing. There is so much focus today on child abuse, and how many of us have been 'abused' either by a relative or a stranger. The words dysfunctional, co-dependent, abuse, and addiction are all words that we see repeatedly in almost all self-help manuals and psychological therapies. Of all these topics and issues, however, there is an essential one that is not discussed or studied in depth. This is the topic of how we create and act out various forms of self-abuse.

So many people that are now "coming out of the closet" admitting that they were sexually, physically, mentally, or emotionally abused are unconsciously re-creating the role of victim: "Look what's been done to me, how I was abused". Did you ever have the courage to ask yourself "what part of me created this abusive experience?", what part of me was I not loving to attract such an intense experience? What part of myself have I abused to manifest this lack of love in the physical plane? How does self-abuse start? What is the cause? How can I heal all forms of self-abuse?

WHAT IS SELF-ABUSE? All self'-abuse has its roots in denial and repression of our basic human need for love, to be vulnerable, and to receive love. Self-abuse started many lifetimes ago. There is not one person on this planet who is not, through one form or another, healing a major aspect of self-abuse. We incarnate on this planet to heal ma-jor issues of self-abuse. Whether this started on another planet in another time dimension, or another lifetime here on earth, it does not matter. The point is that as 'human' beings we are all dealing with this same basic is-sue; we all are learning how to be more loving to ourselves by forgiving, releasing and transmuting the cause, effect and memory of that abuse.

WE CHOOSE OTHERS (PARENTS, ETC.) TO PHYSICALLY ACT OUT OUR OWN UNCONSCIOUS FORMS OF SELF-ABUSE. Taking responsibility for the cause of this uncon-scious choice allows us to initiate the first step of our healing and transformation. Self-abuse is a form of self-punishment that goes way back in time, perhaps lifetimes, or even light year dimensions away, when we first had our experience of separation, duality, conflict and pain. Many patterns and forms of abuse that manifest during our childhood, are karmic "paybacks" from other lifetimes of abuse in which we all participated as human beings. We chose a mother or father (who may have been our lover, business associate, or rival in another lifetime) to act out a form of self-punishment because we have not forgiven or released our own guilt or self-judgment for an experience we participated in when we may have been the 'villain' or the abuser in that lifetime.

Self-abuse can also start from unrequited love, abandon-ment, or rejection in early childhood. Many times when we do not receive something we really need or want, or when something dear to us is taken away we feel cheated and rejected by the universe. Our inner child screams out in longing and doesn't understand why it can't have what it needs. Frustration and conflict manifest, and feelings of unworthiness start to creep into the subconscious mind. This starts a chain of emotional reactions that inhibit the creative flow of life within us, and what we really desire in life becomes even more inaccessible and remote.

Somewhere during this succession of events, the thought or belief that "I can never have this in my life", "I'll never be able to achieve this kind of success and relationship", or I'm not good enough" begin to take over in the subconscious mind. We begin to feel emotionally paralyzed, our power to move beyond that thought pattern, beyond that belief is frozen in self - doubt and fear. Self-abuse begins at that moment in our belief system when we have lost the faith both in ourselves and in the universe to create all that we need for our happiness and fulfillment. If we can't create this fulfillment on earth, how are we going to find it somewhere else? The search starts and ends within your SELF. No one else holds that key; not a mother, a father, not your lover, husband or wife. Only you and your God Self can open the door to love and freedom.

Self-abuse is also a denial of some part of ourselves that we choose to ignore, a vital part of ourselves that is not seen as attractive, loved, or accepted into our reality. Whether it is the spiritual awareness of our God Self, our sexuality, the quality of our life, the belief in oneself and life, jeal-ousy, anger, or whatever aspect of the Self we are choos-ing to ignore or deny. This is the very part of us that will create a chain of circumstances and events that will challenge us to eventually face all parts of our being. It truly necessitates learning compassion and tenderness towards our own Self, as we release major patterns of self-judgment, self-punishment, and guilt. We will continue to cre-ate situations and experiences in life that are abrasive and painful over and over again, until we finally see and understand with our heart and mind what we are creating. This motivates us to heal the cause and effect of all forms of self-abuse.

As human beings, when we don't receive what we need, we "shut off", feel rejected, worthless, and our faith in our own power crumbles. We immediately feel guilt that "I did something wrong, so I don't feel worthy to receive the love or joy I want." When we entertain this attitude, we begin to feel that "I don't deserve". Our own value of ourselves diminishes to a powerless and helpless creature. THAT IS SELF-ABUSE. Punishing ourselves for "doing something wrong" is also a form of self-abuse. Denying self awareness and holding back the recognition of our deepest feelings, longing and sexual desires, is also a form of self-abuse. We probably live in one of the most self-abusive societies in the world, where repression, denial, self-punishment and guilt have all contributed to what is called a 'normal, healthy society'. By starting with ourselves, and healing our own issues of self-abuse, we can contribute to the healing of a humanity in great need of awakening, transformation and wholeness

Chapter 9..Healing Emotional Self-Abuse.. P.46-49
Chapter 11...Reclaiming Your True Identity.. P.57-59
Chapter 15...Healing and Creating Loving Relationships.. P.84-96

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